Thursday, July 3, 2008

#6 I Am Amazed!!

We waited a few days, we went out a couple times to see Abby but she got so excited it was best to not go. They were letting her be e-collar free while there because she was leaving her wound alone. I'm pretty sure that Dr. Zimmer did her surgery on the following Monday (you'll have to forgive me now because the days have pretty much run together and I really can't be sure) I know he did an amazing job. I have no idea how he was able to take such a gaping hole and close it up as well as he did, but he did it. I'll show you picture again and be ready because they are really gross, but you know you just have to see this to understand what this poor dog went through. The E-collar had to go back on because the doc had stitched in a drain tube to keep the fluids from building up inside the handy work he had done. All along Abby has been wagging her tail and acting just like the food obsessed (Harry says food infested, too funny when he says that) happy dog she's always been. The folks at Pokagon Veterinary told Harry what a smart dog she is. (I agree, I've always said she understands everything we say, now that may be an exaggeration and I'm sure when I say that people think I'm nuts, probably rightly so, but this dog understands English very well
So, surgery done, a few more days at the hospital for Abby and finally we get to bring her home. We're to bring her back in a few days to have the tube removed and make sure everything is healing the way it is suppose
to. My dog again has a butt. Sure it's still ugly and it's got the drain tube hanging out on either side and she still has that e-collar on which she uses like a bulldozer (she literally pushed me through the house with that thing) but it's no longer a gaping hole and it will eventually heal. She walks normally, albeit a bit stiffly at the moment but she's doing great
Harry also received a call from the Sergeant. The guy that shot our dog could be looking at up to six years. Although, that is not my wish to have him spend a bunch of time in jail I hope the prosecutor makes it very clear to him that what he did is wrong, very wrong. I don't know what they will end up doing to him, I'm not even sure when it's going to court but I'll keep you posted
In the mean time would you like to hear the story about my flying lesson? Last summer, my friend and neighbor, Debi were walking both Abby and Wiley. They are too much for me to walk by myself so Deb would go with me. We were using the kind of leashes that extend, we had walked five or six blocks around the neighborhood and were walking them through a field at the end of a cul de sac, the field is between two nursing homes. Part of the field is mowed like a regular lawn, part of it is open field and in a small corner the one of the nursing homes had planted a small vegetable garden
Well, gardens and summer and fields equal what? You got it rabbits! Oh what fun it is to be a dog and chase a rabbit, however, if the person on the other end of the leash isn't paying attention and the leash is on extend, well guess what happens when the rabbit runs and the dog runs after it and the stupid human on the other end doesn't let go! Yeap, I was airborne. Deb said I actually got parallel with the ground. Ok, go ahead and laugh, a 50+ year old woman hanging onto the end of a leash that has a 120 lb dog running full bore after a cute little bunny rabbit, sure it was a site, I'd imagine if we'd had a video camera we would have won on FHV or something of that nature, might have even big a big money winner and I wouldn't have to beg for donations to the Abby fund. All that set aside, you should have seen the landing! Uh, yeah, I was holding the leash with both hands so I landed face first on my nose! OWCH! Now that hurt. Course as soon as I hit the ground Abby became aware that something was seriously wrong with mom and she forgot the rabbit, came over to me and started checking me out. Deb took both dogs and took off running for home, she took a short cut through a couple yards and went right into her house with both dogs to get an ice pack.

Harry was sitting in a chair in the front yard because he had decided he was going to paint the front of the house to look like a log cabin so he was drawing that out when I came behind him.... "Haiwy, Haiwy, I tink I bwoke by dose" I was holding my face with my hands and sounded somewhat like Elmer Fudd. You just have to laugh now because it really is funny but man it hurt at the time. Harry didn't know what to think when he saw me holding my face with blood filled hands and no dogs, he jumped up from his chair slid down on his knees in front of me and said "what happened, what happened, oh God, are you ok? Where are the dogs? Did you get hit by a car? WHAT HAPPENED?"

Well, just about that time Deb showed up with both dogs and an ice pack for my face. She got Harry all calmed down and told him what had happened. Everyone wanted me to go to the doctor but ya know, there's not much they can do for a broken nose, so I just kept ice on it for a while and took some ibruprophen. I looked somewhat like a raccoon for a few days and was a bit sore and not sure I wanted to walk my dog on leash anymore. And that, my friends, is the flying lesson that Abby gave me
Well, till next time. Thanks for reading, pass it on.


laurenarden said...

Hi Liz,
Great news! I'm so glad to hear Abby is on the mend! You may be broke, but at least your furry family member will be home, almost as good as new! You're far more generous than I'd be towards the shooter! I'd say, "lock him up!" I'll check back to see how she's doing.

laurenarden said...

Also, great story about your flying lesson! Too funny!

Abby's Advocate said...

Thanks Lauren, I figured a little funny to make this more bearable won't hurt anything.