Monday, June 30, 2008

#5 - Does she stay or Does she go?

Wednesday, June 11, 2008. After having Abby overnight and getting a good look at her wound Dr. Zimmer decided he would keep her. He had spoken to the Dr. in Ft. Wayne and discussed her treatment. Susie mentioned that Dr. Zimmer sometimes likes a challenge, Abby posed a good one. It was decided that she should stay quiet for a few days to allow some of the natural healing process; Dr. Zimmer cleaned the wound, trimmed the dead tissue from it and treated it with a mixture that included Emu Oil. I had read some about the healing properties of Emu oil, it sounded like a great way to go to me. He wanted to let that work for a few days and then would attempt to close the wound.

In the mean time I had has some correspondence with the Sergeant regarding the man that shot Abby. She had talked with him, he admitted shoot the dog and that he felt he had done nothing wrong. She has also talked with his younger son who admitted that he had told Harry he could go into the quarry with dogs but he had assumed it was just for the day, not for any period of time. The Sergeant said it was up to me if I wanted to have her send it to the prosecutor. I told her yes!

Now I completely understand the old farmer mentality that this is my land and I can protect it with my gun. Ok, if you’re having a problem with a pack of wild dogs eating your chickens and all other avenues have failed I might be able to understand protecting the chickens. If a dog is obviously rabid you’re damned right do something about it. If a dog is attacking and the only self defense you have is to shoot it, I’d probably find myself doing that too. But Abby was just climbing up the quarry ridge sniffing everything and being a dog. She had paid the farmer no mind at all and had certainly done him no harm, she hadn’t even had the chance to catch a frog, so you’re damned right I want this to go to the prosecutor. I’m not really interested in seeing anyone go to jail, although I don’t know that Abby would agree with me if she could tell me what she thought, but I think they ought to take this guys’ guns away from him (before he shoots someone else) and make him pay for my poor dog’s care and maybe even help with the Abby Fund for other dogs that can use a hand due to some human’s stupidity. In fact maybe every human that is convicted of cruelty to animals should not only get the punishments the courts afford them usually but should have to contribute to a fund like the Abby Fund. Hmmmmmm, isn’t that food for thought.

Anyway, I’m getting carried away. I told the Sergeant yes, that I wanted restitution and some kind of justice for my dog, I faxed her the bills we had so far incurred and emailed her a picture of poor Abby’s butt (the one I already showed you). She said she’d be in touch.

So, now it was just a waiting game on both fronts. Waiting for Abby to heal and waiting for the slow hand of justice to accomplish its task.

Keep reading, keep passing it on. We’ll be back.

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